Test Results
Recently we introduced a 'new and improved' recipe of Sand Remedy, with trace elements, beneficial microbes and a food source for microbes, in order to make Sand Remedy even more effective.
We are currently conducting a number of tests of Sand Remedy, as part of our on-going committment to quality control, and product development.
Once trials are complete, we will add information to this webpage. Watch this space!
The first test we have conducted is a Water Droplet Penetration Test. This involved a number of samples, each incorporating a measured amount of Sand Remedy, and of course several control samples, which had none added. A measured amount of water was dropped onto the soil samples, and the time taken for the water to be absorbed was measured and recorded.
We trialled a number of different application rates, and the graph below confirms that Sand Remedy, when used at our recommended application rate of approx. 320gms per square metre (approx. 3.2kgs per m3), IS effective at improving the water penetration of the soil.
Interestingly, the tests also showed that increasing the amount used of Sand Remedy didn't really alter the water penetration rate. So, based on these results, we are confident that our recommended application rate is effective.
How to read the Graph.
The vertical axis is the water repellency of the treated sand as a percentage of the untreated sand (control). The lower the percentage the lower the water repellency of the sand. The horizontal axis is the application rate of the Sand Remedy in kilograms per cubic meter. The vertical lines extending above and below the green data points are error bars that show the standard error of each point. (Standard error is a value that indicates the variability between samples, overlapping error bars indicates that there are no significant differences between data points.)
The graph shows that at the recommended application rate of about 3 kilograms per cubic meter the water repellency is approximately 55% of untreated sand. This trend continues to the application rate of 4.5 kilograms per cubic meter where the water repellency is just over 40% of untreated sand. Beyond this point there is no significant difference in the water repellency as application rates increase.
