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Closed Sundays
until further notice
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Closed Sundays
until further notice
At GLSC this month, we've been busy; just last week we had our NASAA Audit (for our organic certification) and we're pleased to report it all went well. It's great to see the organic movement growing, with more companies coming on board with various products. GLSC received the first certification for our vegie mix & vegie concentrate in 2008 (the first soil yard in Perth to do so) - and our certified stable now has 11 products; our Premium Potting Mix, Vegie Mix, Vegie Concentrate, Seed Raising Mix, Square Foot Mix, Blood & Bone, Charlie Charcoal, Cassies Clay, Rocky Rock Dust, Blueberry Mix and Sand Remedy.
Did anybody notice the HUGE amount of Hoverflies that were active all over Perth a few weeks ago? Interesting to see them in such numbers this year - nobody's quite sure why! An anecdotal explanation I heard was that their numbers exploded in response to aphid numbers on canola crops. Interesting theory. Hoverflies are good guys - not only are they harmless pollinators, some species have insectivorous larvae - who devour aphids, thrips etc. So yet another reason not to reach for broad spectrum pesticides in your garden & do the least harm possible! It's Australian Pollinator week; so good to be mindful of the multitude of good (and neutral) bugs who inhabit our gardens. I'm writing this in the middle of NAIDOC week, and am reminded that in local Noongyar tradition, it is Kambarang season - the time of year that the weather warms, native orchids, kangaroo paws and balgas are flowering; snakes are on the move, and soon the Australian Christmas Tree Nuytsia floribunda or "Mooja" will be flowering. These trees are incredibly significant to the Noongyar people who regard them as sacred and "off limits" - spirits of the dead 'camped' in the branches and flowers of the tree, in preparedness for their final journey across the sea to the spiritual world of the ancestors, and were not to be disturbed. For more reading, check out this link. So we hope this Kambarang season finds you & your garden thriving! (If not - then surely it's time to pay us a visit @ GLSC!)
Linda & the Green Life Soil Co team. Pictured right - the lovely crew from the Darling Scarp Gardening Club who visited us recently! In this newsletter:Jobs for the November garden Jobs for the November garden
What to plant now
Planting seeds NOW will give you later crops - so for maximum benefit, plant a few seedlings to get harvesting early - then plant out your seeds soon for your succession planting and extend your harvest window. (We've also got the biodegradable pots for sale for you to grow your own seedlings - pictured below right.) GLSC has 1L and 5L bottles of Verigrow in stock now. I'm looking forward to trying Verigrow soon! For more information, see their website here. Spring Pests & DiseasesWe're seeing a few people come in with pest and disease issues lately... If you're not sure what pests are doing damage, remember to go out at night with a torch a few times to try to catch the culprit in the act! If it's something you can't ID, use the free Ag Departments 'Mypestguide' app to take a photo and upload it. You'll receive a report from experts who'll help you identify it, and map it to add to the database that everyone can access, so together we can all learn what's out there. Cabbage Moth & Cabbage Butterfly
Tomato Budworm (tomato caterpillar)
Vegetable weevils
TPP - Tomato Potato Psyllid
Fruit Fly
Fungal diseases
The best way minimise issues with pests & diseases is to inspect your garden regularly and act quickly before things spread. Good hygiene is important; remove and destroy infected plant material - some bacteria and fungal spores can persist in the soil for years (another reason why crop rotation is important). Use any sprays/treatments judiciously to avoid harming beneficial insects, don't apply in wet or windy conditions. Often very early morning is a good time to apply pest treatments - before it's warmed up when many pests aren't as mobile, and you can spray before the bees arrive. Photo CompetitionCONGRATULATIONS to Lisa Beattie from Middle Swan who has been selected as our November winner for our photo competition. She sent in these pics via Facebook.
She says: "Thankyou Green Life soil, with the help of your vegetable mix my garden is looking awesome this spring! In the 1st photo s cucumber climbing the wire frame, silver beet, spring onion and onions. The 2nd photo is kale beetroot parsley garlic and board beans. The kale I bought from Green Life as seedlings with everything else grown from seed. My husband built the raised gardens in April and we filled them with Greenlife veggie soil mix."
VIP Special Offer
Normal price is $11 each (or 2 for $20) but VIP's who ask for the discount can pick one up at $7.50. Online shoppers - log into the members section to purchase the calendar (and other goodies!) at special prices. Moon planting calendars make great gifts and stocking fillers - so grab one for your friends, family and one for yourself. (As a good friend of mine says - "the back of every toilet door needs one!") Retailer Update
All stockists carry different items - if there's an item of ours they don't usually carry, in most cases they'd be very happy to add it to their next order for you. THANK YOU for being part of the Green Life family - stay safe, stay healthy & keep gardening!
Pick up bags or bulk product bring your trailer (or use one of ours) Opening hours: 8.30 - 4.00 Monday - Saturday (closed Sunday)
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We guarantee our products. Ask our friendly staff for help & advice ~ we're here to help you achieve the garden of your dreams.