The Green Life Soil Co acknowledges the Nyoongar Whadjuk people - traditional custodians of this land. We wish to acknowledge the strength of their continuing culture and offer our respects to Elders past and present.
Green Life Soil Co. provides Custom Mixed Soils, Garden Products and Landscaping Supplies.
Shop Online for bulk or bagged potting mix, organic soils, manure, compost and fertilisers delivered anywhere in the Perth Metro Area!
Premium Hardwood Mulch is made from composted woodchips & is a large particle mulch, naturally a dark colour through the composting process. Colour holds well, but will eventually fade to light brown/grey. Mulch is long lasting. Made to Australian Standard AS4454, the mulch is processed to eliminate weed seeds, pathogens and disease (including dieback).
Suitable for a wide range of gardens including natives, exotics, roses, fruit trees - it is a great looking mulch too!